3.5e What Level Pc for Combating 7hd Monster

Good and evil are a lot more iconic and evocative that law and chaos. "The blood of demons runs in my veins" has a lot more storytelling potential than "I'm slightly more inclined to orderly behavior than most." Then to, both aasimar and tiefling visuals are a lot more interesting and cool than toad-like people and purplish "perfect humans."


Psurlons are wormlike creatures, resembling a human-sized earthworm with two arms and a tooth-filled mouth. They have a ring of almost invisible eyes, but no other facial features. "The resemblance between psurlons and worms islikely more than coincidence;" it is speculated that they were magically created from earthworms, or - more Lovecraftian - that common earthworms are a radically devolved form of psurlon.

Psurlons are Aberrations, and are Usually Lawful Evil. They normally live alone or with their mates, but sometimes form small communities of 8-14 called clusters. All psurlons possess blindsight (but, oddly, not tremorsense), can communicate telepathically, and are immune to sleep, charm and hold spells. There are three varieties of psurlon.

Common Psurlons are CR 5 and Medium, with 7 HD, 38 hp, and AC 12. They are protected by DR 15/+1 and SR 14, and attack with two claws (1d4+1) and a bite (2d4). All psurlons have psionic powers, expressed here as spell-like abilities: the common psurlon can cast detect thoughts, dominate person, hold monster, mind fog and sleep at will, and stoneskin 1/day. Yes, it's a CR 5 monster that can cast mind fog and dominate person at will. Not only that, they cast above their level: the 7-HD psurlons cast at 10th level.

Common psurlons are geniuses, with an Intelligence of 18. They can advance to 14 HD, but remain Medium.

Elder Psurlons are the leaders within psurlon communities; it is unclear whether they are literally psurlons who have lived long enough to become more powerful, or a separate subspecies. An elder psurlon is CR 9 and Medium, with 12 HD, 66 hp, and a terrible AC of 12. Their claws and bite do marginally more damage than those of the common psurlon (1d4+2, 2d4+1). They cast at 12th level, they add mass suggestion to their SLAs, and their SR has upgraded to 16.

Elder psurlons are even smarter than the common herd, with an Intelligence of 20. They can advance to 24 HD, but remain Medium.

Giant Psurlons, as the name implies, are size Large. They are "bred for combat," so presumably are a different subspecies? They're CR 15, with 18 HD, 117 hp and a bewilderingly terrible AC 10. A giant psurlon's claws and bite do 1d6+4/2d6+2 damage, which is surely enough for CR 15. They have the same special defenses as normal and elder psurlons, including a highly relevant SR 16.

Giant psurlons have the same SLAs as their elder brethren, but throw in disintegrate 1/day. They're blithering morons by psurlon standards, with an Intelligence of only 17. They can advance to 36 HD, but remain Large all the while.



I guess they're your subterranean psionic aberrations if you don't want mind flayers? You're not giving me much to go on, book. Common psurlons feel overpowered, but giant psurlons are woefully underpowered for their alleged CR. The detail about normal earthworms being radically devolved psurlons is honestly the creepiest and most interesting thing about them. Otherwise they're evil monster worms with psychic powers. I guess you could run with that, and have a cluster of psurlons working on a way to return their mundane brethren to the status of genius-level psionic monsters, and have the PCs need to stop the wormpocalypse before the world is dominated from below, but aside from that . . . I've got nothing.

Next time:

The wind blows angry.

3.5e What Level Pc for Combating 7hd Monster

Source: https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads%2Flets-read-d-d-3-0-monster-manual-ii.835366%2Fpage-137

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